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SATs Information

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SATs are standardised assessment tests used to measure the attainment and performance in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Here is the Year 6 SATs timetable for this year: 


Monday May 13th 2024: Spelling, punctuation and grammar Test- Grammar/Punctuation- 45 minutes

Monday May 13th 2024: Spelling, punctuation and grammar Test- Spelling- 20 minutes

Tuesday May 14th 2024: Reading Test- 60 minutes

Wednesday May 15th 2024: Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)- 30 minutes

Wednesday May 15th 2024: Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)- 40 minutes

Thursday May 16th 2024: Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning)- 40 minutes


Multiplication tables check

Schools can choose to administer the multiplication tables check within the 3-week period from  June. Further guidance will be published  - Parents and Carers attend a  meeting about the times tables check. Please see Parent Meetings to view the presentation. 

SATs Information for Year 2 and Year 6 Parents

Every year we hold a parent meeting relating to the SATs and what to expect your child to be doing. 

Below you will find some useful information about the tests.

We will send out more information regarding this nearer the time. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please make an appointment to speak to the class teacher. 


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