Best Value Statement and Benchmarking

The Governors of Locking Stumps Community Primary School are committed to achieving Best Value in all decisions made. We use the principles of Best Value as they apply to securing continuous improvement in this school and will:
- Regularly review the functions of the school, challenging how and why services are provided and setting targets and performance indicators for improvement;
- Monitor outcomes and compare performance with similar schools and within the school;
- Consult appropriate stakeholders before major decisions are made; and
- Promote fair competition through quotations and tenders to ensure that goods and services are secured in the most economic, efficient and effective way. We will strive to ensure that the school is using its resources effectively to meet the needs of pupils.
We will submit our Best Value statement with the annual budget plan. The progress of the annual budget plan and the Best Value statement will be monitored with the School Improvement Plan (SIP) in order to determine the extent of continuous improvement. When appropriate we link individual budget lines on the initial budget setting document (VB1) to the main priorities within the SIP.
The school has in place a strategy, updated annually, which will ensure that Best Value will be reviewed and demonstrated. This year we will focus a range of priorities, some of which are:
- Continuing to review Community Use of the school to ensure an effective transition in management from the LA to the Governing Body
- Reviewing the school curriculum to maintain and further raise standards
- Working more closely with partners when procuring services to ensure best value
Schools are responsible for a significant amount of public expenditure. Every year, our financial data are published on a national website which is viewable by schools and members of the public. This can also be used to compare information between schools, locally and nationally.
It is a requirement that schools publish the number of employees on a salary of £100,000 or more. Locking Stumps has 0 employees that meet this criteria.
Click here to view the financial information for Locking Stumps Community Primary School
Chair of Finance/Governors Headteacher