Age Related Expectations
The expectations are based on The national Curriculum in England Key stages 1 and 2 framework document (Department for Education, 2013). This document sets out what teachers need to teach and what children are expected to learn, both for the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and the foundation subjects. Sometimes, the DfE sets out expectations for each year group; sometimes for a phase (such as Years 3 and 4 or Years 5 and 6).
Before the introduction of this curriculum, schools assessed pupils according to levels, where a typical Year 2 pupil would be expected to attain Level 2 and a Year 6 pupil to reach Level 4. Higher levels would indicate greater success. Now, there is greater importance placed on not deeper learning rather than this rapid progression. This means that a pupil should not necessarily be ‘pushed’ to acquire knowledge and skills in a higher year group; instead, learning how to use and apply the learning in lots of contexts and challenges is more important. Based on this principle, please use the expectations set out here to support your child’s learning.